The Animation Alliance UK is a new, broad alliance of independent animation professionals – animators, programmers, producers, researchers, critics, academics, studios, festivals – across a wide range of creative and professional practice and engagement.
The Alliance exists:
- to act as a network and focus for sharing information and discussion
- to advocate for the support of independent animation in the UK
- to lobby for investment in production, training, archive
The Alliance is new and establishing itself through a google group. Members include animators, artists and filmmakers, producers, programmers, curators, writers and higher education tutors. Many of members, inevitably, work in both cultural and commercial contexts. However, the focus is on independent practice and cultural film.
If you would like to join, please visit:
If you do not have/want a google account, you can request to join via email to:
Please state your professional role, any affiliation (eg production company, university),
plus anything else relevant/notable (eg BAFTA/BAA festival nominations/wins).